Dermatology is full of variety….

We are true experts in cosmetic skin treatments.


Dermatology is full of variety….


I am currently at a  Dermatology conference. All Dermatologists (who are skin and fat specialists) in New Zealand have to be part of a continuing  medical education ( CME) programme once they have completed their speciailist training.

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The CME  aims to ensure that we keep abreast of trends and development in Dermatology. As part of our CME we are required to attend local and overseas meetings on  a regular basis. Some of the conferences are huge like the American meetings that can only be held in 6 or so cities as there are often 8-10,000 delegates and only a limited number of conference centres in the USA can cope with this number.


For many decades now Dermatology has had both a strong medical arm and a strong surgical arm. Dermatologists can train with a focus on either surgery (of the skin or fat) or alternatively focus on more ‘traditional’ dermatology that deals with patients with skin, hair and nail issues. There is a very strong cosmetic focus in Dermatology too with things such as Botox™ , Tumescent Liposuction and many of the current Lasers having been developed by Dermatologists.


Having trained and practiced almost exclusively in surgical and cosmetic dermatology I will generally attend specific surgical or cosmetic conferences.  However this present meeting I am at has a lot of general components and I am reminded that the world now has professors who spend their whole career specialising only in itch! Others only in skin disease that can be caused by plants, still others in skin disease caused by chemicals  or even skin disease caused by insects….Impossible for anyone to become an expert in all these areas!


However at Encorė Cosmetic Clinic we are the experts in Cosmetic Skin Care with top end medically proven  equipment. All our non invasive procedures such as Botox™, Sciton® Laser Hair Removal, Dermal Filler treatments and IPL are performed by our highly trained Registered Nurses who specialise in Cosmetic treatments.


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